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Monday, November 30, 2015

Old Movies vs. New Movies

     When I watch a movie from long ago, I am always struck by how bad the special effects, and sometimes the acting, was. The special effects were suppose to be amazing at the time, but compared to now, they are unimpressive. When I see a modern movie, the special effects are amazing. However, it seems too often that the movies with the great effects have sacrificed the story.

     The perfect example of this phenomenon is the Star Wars Saga. The first three that were released were loved by viewers all around the world. They were advanced for the time in both special effects and story. Looking back now, the special effects were not that good, but the story stands the test of time.

     The next three movies were released after a big delay. The difference between them and the original trilogy are obvious. By most accounts, the more recent movies had much better effects, but the story in each one was lacking compared to the first three. Even with the better visuals, most people prefer the better story.

     I think the reason for this change is that movie makers now are focusing too much on visual effects and sound effects, which are popular now. It's a shame because the movies today have the potential to be great. When they put a great story together with great special effects, they will have a hit. The problem is that the movie makers focus too much on effects. I think that the movie makers should first focus on the meaning behind the movie, and the overall story. After they got a good story, they should then add effects to emphasis the meaning.

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