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Monday, November 30, 2015
Old Movies vs. New Movies
When I watch a movie from long ago, I am always struck by how bad the special effects, and sometimes the acting, was. The special effects were suppose to be amazing at the time, but compared to now, they are unimpressive. When I see a modern movie, the special effects are amazing. However, it seems too often that the movies with the great effects have sacrificed the story.
The perfect example of this phenomenon is the Star Wars Saga. The first three that were released were loved by viewers all around the world. They were advanced for the time in both special effects and story. Looking back now, the special effects were not that good, but the story stands the test of time.
The next three movies were released after a big delay. The difference between them and the original trilogy are obvious. By most accounts, the more recent movies had much better effects, but the story in each one was lacking compared to the first three. Even with the better visuals, most people prefer the better story.
I think the reason for this change is that movie makers now are focusing too much on visual effects and sound effects, which are popular now. It's a shame because the movies today have the potential to be great. When they put a great story together with great special effects, they will have a hit. The problem is that the movie makers focus too much on effects. I think that the movie makers should first focus on the meaning behind the movie, and the overall story. After they got a good story, they should then add effects to emphasis the meaning.
Monday, November 16, 2015
Twenty One Pilots
Two months ago, on September 11th, I went to my first concert ever. I saw Twenty One Pilots at the Festival Pier in Philadelphia. It was amazing. The concert was at an outdoor venue, fortunately it was a beautiful night. My only complaint was that it was hard to see. It was general admission, meaning there was no seating, and so we had to stand behind a lot of people. Still, it was a great experience.
I first heard Twenty One Pilots a couple years ago. It was just after their third album, Vessel, was released. We bought the album and played it non-stop in the car for weeks. I was completely hooked. When their next album, Blurryface, was released, we bought it right away. Then the tickets went on sale and we were able to get them. It's an experience I will always remember.
If you have never heard of Twenty One Pilots, I strongly suggest you do so. They are an alternative band, and the music they produce is so different that it may take time for it to grow on you. It's part pop, part rap, and a little rock. The music is very introspective and even spiritual, and not at all offensive. They are just a lot of fun.
On June 19th, 2016 I will be going to my second concert. This time it will be at Hershey Park Stadium, another outdoor venue (Lets hope for more good weather). Of course, the concert will be Twenty One Pilots, and hopefully it will be just as fun as the first one.
"The logo means something to me because I made it mean something to me. That's the point...It doesn't have to be artistic, but if you create something and only you know the meaning of it, that's the beginning of purpose for the logo is an encouragement for people to create."
-Tyler Joseph (Singer/Keyboards) explaining the band's logo
Monday, October 26, 2015
Star Wars Returns
Last week during the half time of the Monday night football game, viewers were able to get the first chance to see the official Star Wars trailer. Even more important, tickets went on sale for the next movie, which comes out on December 17th. There were so many people trying to purchase tickets that multiple websites crashed. Fortunately, I was able to get my tickets on Tuesday.
I've been a big Star Wars fan for as long as I can remember. I first watched it when my dad was watching it, and I was hooked. It's hard to pick a favorite, but so far I love The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi.
The first trilogy that came out had more of a story than the second trilogy; the second trilogy was more on special effects than the actual story. I'm sure this new movie, The Force Awakens, will have amazing effects. I just hope the story is equally as good.
I've been looking forward to it for so long, and it'll be hard for the movie to live up to the expectations. I'm sure I'd love it, though. Only a little less than 2 months to go. I'll be sure to write my opinions on the 7th Star Wars movie after I see it.
Monday, October 12, 2015
Joe Biden: Will he or Won't he
A while ago, I wrote about the amount of attention Donald Trump receives in the media. Lately, the vice president has been getting as much attention. The question is whether or not the current vice president will run for president this election.
For weeks, if not months, polls have been including Joe Biden. Joe Biden has been appearing on all sorts of programs, but still remains undecided. With the first democratic debate scheduled this week, CNN has a podium ready for Vice President Biden if he decides to go to the debate. There is even a group that is in existence with the goal of urging Joe Biden to run.
In my opinion, Joe Biden will not appear in the debate. I do think he will be watching it closely, though, and will make a decision a short time after. I think he will probably end up not running, unless the debate shows weakness in the current candidates; an opening for the vice president. Since he and his family are still dealing with the death of Beau Biden I think he might not run. Also, I don't see the passion that a candidate needs in order to win a national election.
Monday, October 5, 2015
The Blessed Glass
A strange thing happened when the Pope was here to visit. After the Pope made his speech in Washington, Bob Brady, a representative of Pennsylvania, took the Pope's water glass. Why? Apparently he believes that because the Pope touched it it is blessed. That alone is questionable because the Pope never actually blessed it. That small fact doesn't matter to Bob Brady.
After taking the glass of water, he took it back to his office and took a sip. Afterwards he gave a sip to his wife and several of his staff members. He then poured the remaining water in a bottle to bless his grandchildren with.
In my opinion, what Representative Brady did was absurd. Just because the Pope drank from a glass doesn't mean the glass, or the water in it, is blessed. The Pope, no matter how important he is to religion, is just a man. Not everything he touches is blessed. Also, to drink from the glass and share it with others takes away the quality of the glass. Now instead of it being the Pope's DNA, it has the DNA from at least 4 different people. Not to mention, from a cleanliness standpoint, it's not a good idea to have multiple people drink from the same glass of water.
This isn't the first time Representative Bob Brady took a special glass. Apparently he already has the glass that president Obama sipped from at his first inauguration. While he considers that glass special, he didn't drink from it because the water and glass were not blessed. He considers it political, not spiritual.
Monday, September 28, 2015
Last Man on Earth: A New Season Begins
Several months ago I wrote about my top 5 favorite TV shows, and Last Man on Earth was on the list. The reason I only put it as my number 4 was because it was only on season 1. I wasn't yet sure if it would still be good after the first season.

One thing I really like, other than that it's still funny, is the Last Man on Earth is leaving us with questions each week. When will Phil's brother land back on Earth and what kind of trouble will Phil's brother cause? What happened to the others in Tuscon, and mostly, will Phil find Carole?
Monday, September 21, 2015
Colbert's Return
On December 18th, 2014, the popular talk show, Colbert Report, ended it's 9 year run. Like so many, I was sad to see it end. However, Stephen Colbert's fans were excited to know he would be back on TV again as he was to take over the role of host on the Late Show.
On September 8th, 2015, after almost a year, the wait ended when the first episode of the Late Show with Stephen Colbert aired. So, did it live up to the hype?
We knew the Late Show would be different than the Colbert Report. It was much more publicized that Stephen Colbert would shed the "conservative" persona he portrayed. We also knew that the Late Show would be more about guest interviews than the Colbert Report was. Still, I was a little disappointed about the lack of political humor. There was some, but not as much as I was used to seeing. And I miss some of the regular pieces, such as "the word". However, in some ways it was just like the Colbert Report. He is still hilarious, and I'm glad he's back.
Monday, September 14, 2015
Provocative Behavior in the Media
It seems anytime we see a female singer on TV she is scantily clad. Why is it that these woman feel the need to wear provocative outfits and behave inappropriately on stage and in videos? It seems it's becoming more difficult for woman to be a star on pure talent alone.
I think there are female singers who don't behave that way, they just don't get as much attention. We reward female singers with money and publicity for showing bad behavior. As the saying goes, "Any publicity is good publicity". Good behavior isn't newsworthy and so it doesn't get attention. As a result, woman (and men, to a lesser degree) need to keep moving the line to even more inappropriate acts.
There is, perhaps, no better example of this than Brittney Spears. Several years ago she was going through a serious emotional turmoil, and she was in the media constantly. No sooner she sought the treatment she needed, she got no more attention at all.
There are success stories, though. Taylor Swift, the biggest star in recent years, wore modest outfits and showed class and was still able to climb to the top. It shows that woman with talent and hard work can still find their dream without selling their bodies and souls. Unfortunately, most woman are not able to find that success without exploiting themselves. Woman will continue to flaunt their sexuality for publicity, and media will continue to provide them publicity and fame.
Monday, September 7, 2015
Media's Role in an Election
When running for elected office, it's good to have publicity. The more familiar voters are with a candidate, the more votes the candidate is likely to get. More publicity means more of a chance to win the election. Media is a very useful way but when they focus on one candidate it isn't fair for the other candidates and the voters.
For the 2016 election, Donald Trump has been mentioned on the news more times than Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton and any of the other candidates. I know the news needs to be entertaining to get viewers, and Trump is certainly entertaining, but it's important for voters to know every candidate's views on America's issues. Also, when the news focuses on one or two candidates it gives them an unfair advantage because people vote for who they are familiar with. Everyone knows Donald Trump, but many don't even know the other candidates.
I feel the media should be more balanced with the amount of time they spend on each candidate. I know that Donald Trump is entertaining, but we are looking to elect someone for a very serious job. The media has a responsibility to let voters get to know each candidate instead of just trying to be entertaining.
Voters have a responsibility to learn every candidate's ideas on issues but voters don't want to spend a lot of time researching information. The media needs to make sure voters get the information they need to make an informed decision.
Wednesday, May 13, 2015
Sunday, April 26, 2015
My Top Best TV shows
5. Lost
Though the show brought confusion to it's viewers, it was an interesting show to watch. With the island we know nothing about and the others who seem to know everything, the show held a lot of mystery that kept us interested. Also, who could forget the characters we know and love.
4. The Last Man on Earth
Even though the show just started it's one of the most hilarious TV shows I've ever watched. Even when it's just the main character, Phil Miller always finds a way to make us laugh. At a first glance, it may seem like it won't turn out good but you'd be surprised. I'm sure the more episodes I watch the more it will move up the list.
3. Supernatural
This is one show that defiantly lives up to it's name. With vampires, demons, angels and ghosts, this show has plenty of supernatural in it to enjoy. The show is adventurous and action-filled with two brothers on the road hunting evil.
2. Once Upon A Time
In my opinion, this show is very well-written. It brings a new version to the fairy tales we all know. I've never been a fan of fairy tales but I've found myself enjoying this one.
1. How I Met Your Mother
Though some people were disappointed with this show, I was not. I think this story was very original and well-written. It's entertaining and very funny to watch Ted and his gang live life in New York City. I really enjoyed the originality and humor. This show never gets old.
Here are some honorable mentions...
The Vampire Diaries
Modern Family
The Big Bang Theory
Will and Grace
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